Key Highlights:
Switch Mobility, a Bangalore-based startup established in 2019 by a team of young engineers from CMR Institute of Technology and Sir M. Vishweshwarya Institute of Technology, is making significant strides in the e-cycle industry with its cutting-edge drivetrain system. Unlike traditional systems that often lead to energy wastage, Switch Mobility’s innovative solution provides genuine pedal assistance by intelligently synchronizing with the rider’s efforts. This maximizes battery efficiency and substantially extends the range of e-cycles, achieving an impressive 197% efficiency compared to the typical 100%.
Switch Mobilty’s drivetrain system provides genuine pedal assistance by intelligently synchronizing with the rider’s efforts.
Innovative E-Cycle Drivetrain System
The key components of their system consist of a proprietary power sensor and an advanced control unit. The in-house manufactured power sensor accurately measures the rider’s actual exertion, enabling precise energy distribution. In contrast, most Indian e-cycles utilize basic cadence sensors that only detect pedal movement without considering the rider’s effort. The control unit processes this real-time data, ensuring energy is utilized only when required, resulting in significant energy savings and a smoother riding experience.
Focus on Future Developments
One of the co-founders stated we are proud to announce that we have pioneered the development of intelligent components and drivetrain systems for e-bikes in India.” Their journey began with an electric skateboard prototype during their college years, which inspired them to pursue larger innovations. After leaving their jobs and securing government grants, they have successfully launched a startup that engages with potential customers and investors.
At present, the company is concentrating on providing its drivetrain systems to bicycle manufacturers such as Hero Cycles, with broader aspirations in mind. While manufacturing their own bicycles remains a long-term objective, they are actively developing a high-end mid-drive system—a centralized drivetrain that is poised to redefine industry standards.
Switch Mobility is set to launch pilot projects in the market, showcasing their innovative approach that proves indigenous solutions can outperform existing technologies. Their smart system goes beyond just improving e-cycles; it is paving the way for a healthier future for riders.ELCTRIK Speaks