Mahindra launched its all-new all-electric SUV, the XEV 9e. Starting at ₹21.90 lakh for the base model, going up to ₹30.50 lakh for the fully loaded one, Mahindra marks another step closer in its endeavor towards increasing the share of electric vehicles in the country, considering India’s surging demand for more sustainable transportation solutions.
Pricing Breakup
The XEV 9e is available in multiple variants, each tailored to different consumer needs and budgets:
- Pack One: Priced at ₹21.90 lakh, this entry-level model features a 59 kWh battery that offers a range of up to 542 km and delivers 228 bhp.
- Pack Two: Expected to be priced at approximately ₹23.40 lakh, this variant will also feature the same battery but may include additional features.
- Pack Three: The top-spec version is priced at ₹30.50 lakh and comes with a larger 79 kWh battery, offering an impressive range of up to 656 km and a power output of 282 bhp.
These prices are ex-showroom and do not include the cost of a home charger, which has to be purchased separately.
Features and Specifications of XEV 9e
The XEV 9e is based on Mahindra’s new INGLO platform, created specifically for electric vehicles. Of course, the car has many interesting points:
- Design Elements: Its SUV Design element is now having a coupe-like silhouette, low-set headlamps, and the striking 19-inch alloy wheels.
- Inner Space Comfort: has features such as dual digital instruments, powered, ventilated and heated front seat, panoramic roof of glass material, multi-zoned climate controls, and enhanced reality HUD head-up display.
- Safety Features: All variants come with advanced safety features, including seven airbags, ISOFIX child seat mounts, tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS), electric parking brake, and Level 2 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).
Rajesh Jejurikar, Executive Director of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., said “the XEV 9e will cater to India’s changing requirement as the consumers are increasingly embracing electric mobility solutions.”
Booking and Delivery Timeline for XEV 9e
The XEV 9e will start opening for bookings from February 14, 2025, and deliveries will begin by March 14, 2025. That is more than enough time for prospective buyers to put in their orders for what promises to be one of the electric offerings at the top end of Mahindra’s portfolio.
The Mahindra XEV 9e marks a major step in the shift of the Indian automobile market to electric mobility. Coupled with its competitive price, bouquet of features, and robustness of structure, it promises to carve a significant portion of the new age EV segment for Mahindra. Growing consciousness about environmental aspects and sustainable alternatives will have such models, including the XEV 9e, taking its place within the shifting markets.